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WWE Draft 2016: Are We In a New Era?

The 2016 Draft for WWE left wrestling fans all over the world with mixed opinions. Raw took the win in the draft drafting the likes of NXT's Finn Balor, The Architect Seth Rollins, and Women's Champion Charlotte. Smackdown on the other hand went with the Cenation Leader John Cena, the Phenomenal AJ Styles, and the WWE Champion Dean Ambrose. Everything after the 1st round brought SmackDown down with Raw taking almost all star power, however as many would hope the stars or "jobbers" in many eyes, would take the potential SmackDown is riding on and use it to break their personal glass ceiling. As for Raw all we are left with are massive starpower, storylines that could book themselves, and a horrifying logo.

Are We In a New Era? Only Time Can Tell

By The Way, I Believe That Trades Are Legal...

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