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CWC: The Five Star Spectacular

CWC has taken fans by storm and the popularity of the WWE Network show has been growing by the second especially with what happened in the second round. Japan’s striker and heart of wrestling Kota Ibushi went against the American Cedric Alexander in a round two matchup. A lot of people coming into this match had thought Kota Ibushi would win with ease and this would make Cedric Alexander another underdog which he was. Well my friends Cedric Alexander gave one hell of a fight to Kota Ibushi and just nearly came with a three fall.

Hitting one spectacular move people thought that this may be the end, but Kota Ibsuhi still kicked out which was a massive surprise driving adrenaline to everyone in the arena. Then afterwards Cedric didn’t give up after Kota kicked out, Cedric had no hesitation hitting a super kick to Ibushi but he still kicked out. It was a great match with all the technical wrestling skills in the world but at last the match came down to an end when Ibushi hit his golden bomb to Cedric and a 1,2,3 count ended the five star spectacular matchup.

Cedric walked out emotionally but Full Sail had too much respect for the veteran so they kept chanting “PLEASE SIGN CEDRIC”. Low and behold, none other than Triple H came and he put his hand on Cedric shoulder, gave a thumb up to leave the crowd in awe. One of the most perfect moments of an already spot fest filled year for wrestling.

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